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Sunday 15 January 2012

The reason I want to be with girls

Well I want to Hangout with open and intellect minded girls, beauty is always a plus.  She should be capable of having discussion on any topic, I love to have a healthy and honest conversations. To me girls and boys can have a fair and honest relationship, but I don’t know why I always mess up, well to understand this I have come across what I want and what should be done to make it a perfect relation. When I make a girl friend the first thing I see is beauty regardless of her intellect, I am out of words or topic some times and make a fool out of myself. Suddenly I or she develops feeling and as I am totally against sexual relation so we end up very quickly. I have learned along the way, whenever you are friends with someone you should not jump into conclusions. First stage is getting to know each other, then earning the trust and being honest. Then comes care, affection and loyalty, when you have a mature relation then you can go for Romance and Love but Sex is never an option.

Question: Why can’t we have a good and healthy relationship between a boy and girl. What’s the issue is it our Media or access IT to blame, or it’s the society evil that haunts the teenagers.

 Me: “It’s our society to blame because we don’t teach our youngster the attraction/resistance of the opposite sex and its drawbacks. Though media and IT, uncontrolled also play a major part.
There are majority of boys who can’t even imagine being friends, just friends with girls. They don’t give a shit to what the girl is saying and what her emotions are towards him, they are somewhat more interested in getting them laid”

K.K : “well, Society is guilty for restricting youngsters from meeting each other so  curiosity and anxiety shoots, and once they meet they are willing to cross all the limits, As its natural Phenomenon ”

Me: “So this means that all boys and girls relations are fake and boys are using them. Or we can perceive that girls like to be used. Because if they didn’t like it they should have stopped after being ditched by one guy, but they go on and on with like at least 10-15 on average as far I know from my friends circle”

K.K: “well, its mutual advantage. Girls use boys for their own benefits, financial and security. On the other hand they have to satisfy boys for their sexual needs. In some cases it can be the girl who is more sexually active and drives boy into it.”

ME: “so we cannot think of any relation between boys and girls without emotions.”

K.K: “Unfortunately Yes!! ”

Following video was a research carried out on the same topic:

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