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Saturday 23 April 2011

"Three Cups of Tea" Greg Mortenson

written by Greg Mortenson, the high-profile advocate of girls' education in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

"Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Fight Terrorism and Build Nations ... One School at a Time

"It's a beautiful story, and it's a lie," Krakauer, Mortenson is facing serious allegations on his charity work and his falsified stories about Korphe and being abducted by Talibans, Where he is shown in a photograph with the men supposedly to be the Taliban and in another with the same group holding AK-47

Well i think he did tried to climb the Everest and failed, so he thought of writing his expedition but it was not that spicy to attract readers so he thought to add some 'Masala' to the book. He is not a good lier but he did managed to get a handsome revenue out of the book yet failed to hide the loose ends properly.

We should not forget here that he did build some of the schools in Waziristan and Afganistan though he lied about the quantity. My guess is he did it to get more charity money for the C. He is using the charity money for his own travel and book promotions and yes he give a bit to the schools once a year or so.

At the end i would say that if he hadn't lied about all this he won't be able to get this much public fame and obviously charity money.


  1. 60 Minutes: Did you really stumble into Korphe after failing to summit K2? The two porters who accompanied you on your journey down from K2 have told us you did not. We have three other sources that support the porter’s accounts. The evidence suggests that you did not step foot in Korphe until a year later.

    GM: Yes, I first visited Korphe village, Braldu valley, Baltistan, Pakistan after failing to summit K2 in 1993, and met Haji Ali, a long time dear mentor and friend. My second visit to Korphe was in 1994. I made two visits to Korphe in 1995, the year we built the bridge over the Braldu River. And I again made two visits to Korphe in 1996, the year we built the Korphe School.

  2. This is what actually happened after Mortenson abandoned his attempt on K2. He trekked down from the mountain in the company of three companions: his American friend and climbing partner Scott Darsney; his Balti porter, Mouzafer; and Darsney’s porter, Yakub. According to each of these companions, the four men walked together into Askole, whereupon they immediately hired a jeep to take them to the city of Skardu, the district capital. When they drove out of the mountains, Darsney assured me, Mortenson “didn’t know Korphe existed.”


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